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![](https://i.postimg.cc/3JtPrnRT/1op1.png) ![](https://i.postimg.cc/W437sc3G/1op6.png) ![](https://i.postimg.cc/fRk1Vmt0/1op2.png) ![](https://i.postimg.cc/jS9mP2P3/1op3.png) ![](https://i.postimg.cc/rprbJT9V/1op4.png)
![](https://i.postimg.cc/CKfzCpcP/arttitle.png) Here's all the art from 2022 to right now !!! Hope you enjoy ^^
16/06/23 I'm so mad. *does a gay lil pose*
![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/714977289393406084/1119217820723580938/20230616_1249232.jpg) 13/06/23 Gumon the void cat.
![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/714977289393406084/1118186060858523709/export202306131622475420.png?width=431&height=612) 7/06/23 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH !!!!!
Here's Sophie , Emilia , and Nevada (from the 2022 Christmas comic) showing their pride ! I also finally found a way to show that Emilia is transgender ! I'm very happy people were happy with reveal ^^
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyBeV_fWcAEBa1j?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) 6/05/23 Emilia and Sophie at the beach ! also nevada fishing in the bg idk
Was supposed to be out earlier , but went out of town , so didn't get my markers for a bit. Anyway very proud of this image !
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvdQXVDWYAEIVVd?format=jpg&name=large) 27/04/23 Yet another doggo doggy drawing !!! This one was done to test a style , and personally i like the way it came out ! It also explains doggo and doggy's general plots ver well.
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fuvt25vWcA4ArAJ?format=jpg&name=medium) 23/04/23 Another Doggo Doggy drawing ! Yeah , i've started doing these every night ! It's a good way to turn off the brain once and awhile.
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FubjUktXwAAX6hl?format=jpg&name=large) 23/04/23 An Hatobi cover ! I didn't show this to anyone but I'm very proud of it ! Tried to go for a more angular/blocky style , like Dragon Ball Z or early Dreamland.
also abused the shit out the medibang watercolor brush here lmao
![](https://i.postimg.cc/4xtwtPkz/export202304231609325980.png) 22/04/23 Doggo looking at the moon.
I did this before going to sleep and it helped me relax alot. I should do that more often.
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuWCOHpXgAIY0Vq?format=jpg&name=medium) 13/04/23 A random 4 panels comic with my Doggo Doggy Brothers characters. It's stupid and dumb. But i missed drawing purposely ugly deformed faces.
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ftl9YXIXoAAID9a?format=png&name=large) 9/04/23 Magician lil guy/girl/whatever
I'm not in the fucking mood right now to talk these shitty ass drawings i don't care anymore
![](https://i.postimg.cc/SQ13Qrgf/90423.png) 31/03/23 Didn't know where to really put this sooo...
Here's a comic with Emilia and Sophie when they actually get together.
This might the style i'll be going for with LOPLEX.
It gives it a mature look. Like a graphic novel.
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FskHt-WWAAAOSSs?format=jpg&name=large) 28/03/23 Another (very basic) drawing odf Hatobi ! That's pretty much it.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/fWG6st5P/arthatobi1.png) 24/03/23 This iw what my desk looks like. It's basically where i draw and animate.
However , since i (once again) started working on one thing and then another , it led to it being less clean and full of doodles and papersheet.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/W12YpMZ5/240323table.png) 19/03/23 I don't really know what this is.
I guess a silly looking sheep worker. I dunno he's goofy.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/T34j8mJL/20230319-185959-2.jpg) 16/03/23 Done the same day as Kolge , and again withe the red color pallette.
This is a silly angry cat done in MS Paint !
Why ? i forgor
Thought it looked cool !
![](https://i.postimg.cc/sXp5ZLd7/peniseek.png) 16/03/23 Kolge. Another one of those buff gay demon furry men i draw from time to time.
This one , and the Tokkin art , flopped hard on twitter. People even unfollowed because of this.
I mean tbh it's pretty basic so i understand why. He's not even doing anything he's just standing there...MENACINGLY...
![](https://i.postimg.cc/sf4pjbJR/export202303161945144670.png) 12/03/23 Tokkin , Yook and Senki chilling. Lately i'm enjoying drawing in this style , it's so cute and fun !
![](https://i.postimg.cc/bJjt8RDJ/export2023031219105817602.png) 10/03/23 A random comfort Emilia. I say comfort because it was the only way to calm down yesterday.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/YqSmp091/export202303101542517380.png) 17/11/22 Funny doggo doggy comic. This time i tried to go for an old-printed comic vibe.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/Tw9pxvv7/171122-ART.png) 01/11/22 I rushed this super fast but A comic about a huge bara demon man.
I am a sad sad person ,
aren't i ?
![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fgfrd4KWIAYxrq3?format=jpg&name=large) 22/10/22 Doggo and Doggy done in watercolor. Looks alright !
![](https://i.postimg.cc/MG0G0JH6/221022-ART-PNG.png) 18/10/22 A cat guitarist named ROLLI ! I wanna make a one-shot comic about her.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/rm8wQZRS/export202212071351287130.png) 03/10/22 Lil' illsutration of how i felt at that time.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/zGgvBg1R/031022-ART.jpg) 02/10/22 Doggo Doggy Brothers Final Concept illustration 2022. Very proud of it !
![](https://i.postimg.cc/gcL24hnt/021022-ART-PNG.png) 3/09/22 kyu smokin weed real
![](https://i.postimg.cc/d3CQ0bbc/030922-ART.png) 1/09/22 Emilia at the beach. Mom liked it enough that she put it on the wall.
It was rushed tho.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/q7B7GZ32/010922-ART.jpg) 27/08/22 Tokkin and Mamo chillin'
![](https://i.postimg.cc/wTcHbQH2/270822-ART.jpg) 24/08/22 Tokkin and Mamo
but touhou
![](https://i.postimg.cc/BnSsWPn0/240822-ART.jpg) 18/08/22 Another Hatobi illustration. AGAIN. (This one looks really good too tho , another one i'm proud :3)
![](https://i.postimg.cc/zX18jcm3/180822-ART-PNG.png) 27/07/22 ANOTHER DANG HATOBI ILLUSTRATION !!!
2022 is the year i started trying to change things in terms of story , character designs , and the way i do things.
It didn't do much but , hey atleast it's something.
24/07/22 YOOK KNIGHT !
Normally they looked more cartoony and less suggestive... But i'm a pathetic person so i did this.
Yook will be reused for a project however.
23/07/22 Another Doggo Doggy Illustration , all done in markers !
I'm actually very proud of this one.
Even if now the Sonic influence is showing more and more...
16/06/22 A white tiger character sketch. I don't know what she was meant for but she looks cool.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/cJfcQCfv/export202212071350069900.png) 15/06/22 A random tiger.
She looks chill.
And it's an okay character design for such a rushed doodle.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/fRGKtmS4/160622-ART-2.jpg) 4/06/22 Another Hatobi drawing. This was to refine the design a lil' more.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/Sx2dxDs7/020622-ART-1-PNG.png) 2/06/22 Super anime lookin' fox/wolf/canine/bitch. I dunno , i thought it looked cool.
) 24/05/22 A short comic about Sophie and Emilia. It abridges their personalities pretty well.
19/05/22 Small Doggo Doggy Brothers illustration. This was done during my burnout period (which is still going).
![](https://i.postimg.cc/LX6Zn8DK/190522-ART.png) 18/05/22 Finalized designs for Toko and Jopa.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/13GgBqY1/170522-ART.jpg) ![](https://blueraccoon.neocities.org/spaceforshitsukow.PNG) ![](https://i.postimg.cc/PqdCR5Bp/180522-ART.jpg) 17/05/22 Hatobi's fourth draft concept art.
![](https://i.ibb.co/s32qSQt/export202205170811483020-1.png) 16/05/22 Bunnytos art after like 2 years of not drawing them.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/664CRywt/export202212071347326530.png) 29/04/22 Random sheep design. Mostly a background character.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/LXYgz0cN/export202212071346278630.png) 5/04/22 Funny lil shitpost. It's me thinking.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/JhyzgHph/050422-ART.png) 5/03/22 Sheep priest and a demon. Were supposed to be something , but were scrapped.
![](https://i.postimg.cc/sfPDtr45/export202212071344517310.png) 17/01/22 First sketches of Emilia Foxingel and Sophie Montomson.
![](https://i.ibb.co/6rJ27zT/gobock.png) |
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