My Anthro (or Anthropormorphic/humanoid) characters are
animals that have a realistic and less goofy look.

Basically they're taller.

they're skrunklies basically

(Age 18 - Bunny , Male)

Utsu is a very moody teenager...

He dosen't like to do much except draw stickmen , loves weapons ,
go on Newgrounds and be gay.

It's never stated he draws stickmen , but he does.
I just haven't showed it , but it's canon.

(Age 10 - Bunny , Male)

Having fun and causing chaos !
That's Kyu for ya !!!

There's not much to make him happy , just give him an Ipad and he'll be fine.

also he murdered 12 people off screen while you were reading this

he will murder more

(Age 19 - Snake/Tiger , Female)

As an Tiger/Snake hybrid...

Hatobi is an actual tall beast.

Having only a rabbit as a "friend" in a isolated place , Hatobi knows barely
anything about the world she lives.

She may think like an animal , and relies on rather brute force , but she means well in the end...

(Age 20 - Rabbit , Female)

Kei is Hatobi's only friend...
She has a few psychic powers , and treats Hatobi like an animal...

However , if she ever has a bad influence...
The world as we know it could possibly end.

(Age 21 - Fox , Female)

A vixen as sneaky as a leaf.

Penny is a great thief , finding many ways to get something.

...However , she can also easily be caught...
Just try to flirt with her and she'll get easily flustered.

And even then...
She'll find a way to escape jail in 5 minutes , hence and repat.

(Age 21 - Kitsune , Female)

Toko is a kitsune yokai who works as a priest.
She dosen't really like the job , so she drinks alot beer.

She's an alcoholic.

(Age 21 - Dragon , Female)

Jopa is a fire...creature...

She always seem airheaded and a lil not here.
Despite being a master of fire , she loves ice , snow and the cold in general.

She likes to hang out with Toko sometimes.

(Age ??? - Goat , Female)

Sayuri used to be a normal goat.

One day , her child disappeared and starting looking for them.

She looked for years and years...
Both her look and physique changed...
She started to look more and more like a beast...
Her mental health got worse , to the point she coudln't speak properly...

To this day , she's still loooking for her child.

(Age 36 - Fox , Female)

Emilia is a rather silent person...

This can lead to situations where
you'd work as usual , but you notice she looks at you.
From a desk away. In complete silence.
She dosen't mean any harm however.

She's probably the oldest in the staff too.
Emilia's a nice lady.

(Age 22 - Sheep , Female)

Sophie is a pretty shy sheep.
Constantly apologizes , but does her job really well !

However , she has a huge crush on Emilia...

Despite Emila being almost a decade older than
her , Sophie wants to be something
more than a co-worker to her.

It's hard for her to make the first move.

(Age 20 - Reindeer , Female)

Nevada is a lazy co-worker.

She likes more to just go on social media and spread rumors around.

She's also Sophie's "best" friend.
...And she gets drunk alot.

Nevada is pretty an annoying pest.

She may look cute , but spend 5 minutes with her and you'd regret it.

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